Fijnstofconcentratie : een blijvend problematiek - Filter&Co

Fine dust concentration: a permanent problem

Today a new article has been published on about an initiative of Flanders and Brussels to warn the population faster in high particulate matter concentrations.

Before the threshold wasSeventy micrograms per cubic meter, now one will already beat an alarm Fifty micrograms.

You can do the article Continue reading here.

As a supplier of healthy indoor climate, we are pleased with this decision. The government therefore makes decisions to improve outside air quality. In addition, you can optimize the air quality indoors.

Check the filters and stop the filters on time at any type of filter best suits your living environment. One person suffers from dust problems than the other.

Do you live close to the motorway, a Ringlaan or at densed cities? Solutions exist here. Many manufacturers offer filter boxes to reduce the particulate matter content with an active carbon filter in combination with other filters. Unfortunately, this has not communicated too little in one way or another. Only 1 on the 20 owners with a ventilation system, is aware of such a solution.

Like these Finely filter from Titon. This producer from the UK has an office near London. In the capital they know the problem of very high particulate matter measurements but all too well!

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